Writing collaboration, item design, quest design, puns. Simutronics.
(all the puns, y'all)
Boba Newhart
Flower Power quest
The Frat Pack - ruckus quest - can you describe the ruckus , sir?
Food Fight,
Car Wash
Dean Marmet
Sammy Davis Emu
Frank Sinoctropus
Molly Ringtail
Ali Tweedy
Crazy Lunch Lady
Pink Floyd the barber
Lawlerderby Queen
The Quizards Hackeysack
They call me Muad Dweeb - NPC for mathemagicnas
the Shadat Peeps...killer marshmallows
Grr Arrrghh - holding a dead Fox carcass
An Elanthian Werewolf in Pleasanton - his hair was perfect.
Misunderstood lyrics quests
Hogan’s Gyros - food court