Swimming in reverie…. Crystalline warm breezes, performing from my whole soul….and roses…Huge, fat, velvet lipped and languid, drowsing, heavy laden over Georgetown
garden gates, in bumble buzzed summer air.
Headphones on, sneakered footsteps light, under days so blue I felt like my heart could touch the sky.
A friend, a conspiratorial lover. Grinning and laughing, amid rehearsals and encouragement.
Away from home, exploring and traveling with the happy buzz newness and accomplishemnt brings.
Fierce, talented, And a tender hearted champion. Flashing eyes, looking down at me, holding my shoudlers, “If he hurts you….in any way…” Made me feel so incredibly cared for and safe.
Dancing through those sweet Summer halcyon days of celebration and hard work and the joy of performing. Those moments, so happy and care free once we opened on the road, and so dramatically bitter sweet for everyone when we closed the tour. That special bond of a show.
Beautiful memories, and orchestras and overtures, and dressing room bouquets.